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spiritual novel in English The Greatest Sinner Ever
An easy to read, spiritual, historical novel about the life of Nostradamus, the famous seer from the 16th century.
After a happy childhood, Michel de Nostredame successfully battles the plague, as a young physician, during the last part of the dark Middle Ages in France. But then a great calamity befalls his own family and totally destroys his life...
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translator Dutch English: Maria-Bonita Kapitany

German ebook German
Supernatural fiction in German about the most famous psychic.
Free readings/downloads: intro/html - pdf - doc
translator English German: Petra Schardt

Dutch novel Dutch
Dutch online novel about the famous French prophet.
Gratis readings/downloads: intro/html - pdf - doc
writer: Eric Mellema - more info

Spanish book literature Spanish
Spanish book with a romanticized Nostradamus biography.
Free readings/downloads: intro/html - pdf - doc
translator English Spanish: Silvana Mellino

French literature gratis French
French literature about the famous psychic from France.
Free readings/downloads: intro/html - pdf - doc
translator English French: Claire Hiron

Traditional Chinese literature Traditional Chinese
Nostradamus book in Mandarin Chinese: html - pdf - doc

Simplified Chinese novel Simplified Chinese
Free Chinese literature about the seer: html - pdf - doc
English Chinese translation: Georgia Kuo

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Partial translations:

Polish story Polish
Free Polish story about Nostradamus in html and pdf and doc.
translator English Polish: An Krol

Brazilian Portuguese novel Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese novel about the famous French astrologer.
Gratis download in html and pdf and doc.
translator English Portuguese: Katarina Peters

Japanese e-book Japanese
Japanese e-book with a romanticized biography of Nostradamus.
Free download in html and pdf and doc.
translator English Japanese: Motoko Rallis

Time is nothing, longing for love is everything.

Nostradamus e-book
Book cover: Pino Design / photos

Author info - photo Eric
Eric Mellema was born on January twenty-six, 1966 in Dalen, the Netherlands. Aside from a few confrontations with poltergeists, his youth went smoothly, until those deep-rooted incidents threatened to overwhelm him, a few years after he finished his high school education. After several adversities, he contracted a super-natural disease and he was forced to cease his dance and art education prematurely. More dead than alive, he fled the active city of Rotterdam and moved to Belgium to seek solitude in the quiet woods of the Ardennes. Five or six hellish years followed, during which the future writer could do nothing but lie in bed, exhausted, or timidly wander through the woods. His train of thought came to a complete stand-still; even thinking took too much energy away from his body. Intuitively, Eric immersed himself in spiritual and physical exercises twenty-four hours a day in order to crawl out of the bizarre dark hole he had found himself in, and almost despite himself, he gradually became a yogi. The pain slowly began to diminish and though he came close to choosing a bed of nails, he finally decided that he preferred to return to the inhabited world. There, the purified loner took a course to become a yoga instructor and started a successful internet business to take care of the required income to keep body and soul together. After a series of mystical experiences and precognitive dreams, Eric met the spirit of Nostradamus. A year later, while in a creative mood, he decided to write a book about the life of this French prophet from the 16th century.

unpublished novel

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Nostradamus predictions in quatrains century I, obscure verses century II century III century IV century V century VI century VII century VIII century IX century X, ten centuries

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